~So, apparently jogging, hiking, power walking, yoga and dancing are some of the best exercises for losing weight. The key is find something you’re excited about so you’re more likely to stick with it. I think slow hiking might be my best bet. I’m uncoordinated so yoga and dancing are out. Jogging is a nope, and power walking might work until I get to the other side of the mall and my hip starts hurting.
Eating Well
~The new year is full of hope, but the stress keeps creeping back in, doesn't it? Bonnie Gray offer some great ways to destress:
-Take time to rest from work. (workaholics, that means you!)
-Learn something new to find joy inspired by God’s goodness. (I'm learning about the birds that visit my yard.)
-Be encouraged by community. (My friend Cari put her struggle out there on Facebook and got showered with encouragement and stress hacks. That's the good part of social media.)
-Finally, renew your spirit by resting with Jesus in nature. Even if it's chilly out there breathe in the fresh air, and enjoy God’s beauty. (I love grabbing a blanket and sitting around the fire pit in my rocking chair.) He is right there!
Bonnie Gray
~Your fridge is prime real estate when you have a house full of company! So, I found a great hack. Clear out your condiments and stow them in a cooler filled with ice packs! You can also treat it like a warming drawer. Line it with aluminum foil, add some folded towels and fill it with hot dishes as they come out of the oven.
~Who likes beets? Bleh. They literally smell like dirt. But guess what? Beetroot apparently helps support a healthy brain. So, I guess I’m learning to like beets now…
~The simplest step you can take to increase your energy level is to exercise. It sounds crazy that physical activity and burning energy would help combat fatigue and increase your energy level, but the more unfit you are, the more tired you will be. Fatigue causes inactivity which leads to more fatigue – a cycle that can only be broken with regular, moderate and consistent exercise. So, get off the couch! You'll be glad you did.
~What are your summer hacks to stay cool? One listener suggested spraying down the metal on the kids’ car seats with rubbing alcohol! Here's some other great ideas:
-Up Your Vitamin C Intake
Researchers found that vitamin C increases your tolerance for heat.
-Get Some Houseplants
Plants release moisture into the air, which helps regulate the relative humidity of a room and can make it feel more comfortable.
-Switch Scents
Sandalwood oil is used to lower body temperature, so you’ll smell nice and feel cool.
-Stick to the Shade
Find a nice tree to sit under. The shade from trees is actually cooler than shade from buildings.
-Eat Spicy Food
There's a reason spicy food is so popular in places with hot climates. It turns out eating something hot is a great way to stay cool. Capsaicin, in peppers makes you sweat, and the sweat on your skin subsequently cools you down.
-Avoid Ice Cream
The high fat content in ice cream makes it difficult to digest. That can actually raise your body temperature a little bit. So, if you want to cool down, try a fat-free frozen dessert like sorbet or an Italian ice.
-Cool Your Car Down Fast
You can quickly cool off your car by creating a cross-breeze. Roll down a window on the passenger side of the car. Then open and close the door opposite that window several times to quickly draw the hot air out.
-Eat Snacks
Try snacking throughout the day instead of large meals to keep your body from doing extra work and heating up in the process.
-Eat Water-Rich Food
Stay hydrated by sneaking in extra water whenever you can. Watermelon, cantaloupes, and cucumbers contain loads of water and are easy to digest. They're the perfect summer food.
-Sip Some Peppermint Tea
A glass of peppermint iced tea is a great way to make your insides feel cool and tingly, thanks to the menthol in the tea. It tricks your body into feeling cold. You can also spray mint tea or peppermint essential oil on your skin.
-Control Your Fans
If you don't have air conditioning, fans can provide some welcome relief. You can also buy a temperature controller for your fans that will turn them off or on depending on the temperature of the room.
-Pull Out Your Summer Whites
Light colors reflect light, which means you'll be cooler in white or pastels than you would be in dark clothes, which trap heat.
-Drink Coconut Water
It has cooling properties and is a great source of the electrolytes you lose through sweating.
-Try Wearable Ice or cooling rags
Wear them like a headband or around your neck and wrists to cool off pulse points.
-Soak Your Feet
Soaking your feet in cool water will give you instant relief from the heat and can also be helpful if your feet swell in hot weather.
~Ever wandered around the house looking for your phone or your keys and then realized they’re in your hand? Me. All the time! Well, you might need to stock up on B vitamins. Health experts say B vitamins help control levels of an amino acid associated with poor memory. I’m taking my Super B Vitamin supplement from now on. I tend to forget those, too.
~Two artists are using their talents to paint murals on boarded up windows in Sacramento amid protests there and the beautiful images are spreading hope and love. Find them at
~Blueberries have more anti-oxidants than any other fruit. They are considered brain food. My brain needs some blueberries right now! They also help prevent cancer, protect your heart and help you lose weight.
~There’s so much to be upset about these days, but before you scroll through social media, praise God because almost every problem and unfortunate circumstance is temporary. Here are some ways to lower your stress level:
Read the Psalms
They can pull you out of some deep mind chasms, Psalm 18, reminds us that “He delights in us.” That will always shake you out of a bad mood.
Make a Gratitude List
Then read it every day. Pray and think about others
Get into Nature
Take a walk with the Lord and renew your mind.
~If your work space is a chaotic, it doesn’t mean you’re lazy – experts say it could be a sign you’re a productive genius. What does your home or work office look right right now?
~Kids will finally get to color realistic skin tones into their princesses and superheroes. Crayola announced its new "Colors of the World," set saying "every child should be able to creatively and accurately color themselves into the world they see around them." The set includes a wide range of light to deep shades' for children to choose from, as well as undertones like "rose," "almond," and "golden." You can also still color Elsa purple if you want to!
~A study shows that humor therapy is as effective as meds in dealing with agitation in dementia and eliminates severe side effects of drugs. It’s true. Laughter is the best medicine! It’s good for an attitude adjustment, too, which many of us might need right now! [Tim Hawkins bit]
~What are you doing to shine the light of Christ? How about adopting a grandparent? To help keep their residents’ spirits high, a nursing home in the U.K. started the “Adopt a Grandparent” campaign. They're inviting English-speakers from across the world to become virtual volunteers to chat with their assigned “grandparents” through regular video calls. How sweet is that? That’s what humanity should look like!
~A great idea to keep your kids busy during summer/holiday break: let them help in the kitchen. Research shows that having at least a few meals together as a family every week makes a family stronger. Meals improve communication, awareness of what’s happening in each other’s lives, and memory making. But there are also benefits to creating those meals together:
Mark Merrill
~A heartwarming idea from one U.S. neighborhood: Good Morning America found a Little Free Library turned into a Little Free Pantry!
GMA/Twitter [video]
~Are your kids getting a little antsy at home? Well, how about letting them help in the kitchen making lunch or dinner, or this is the perfect time to teach them how to do chores!!! They could do the dishes, sweep, and take out the trash. Put the chores on pieces of paper and put them in a jar and let them pick a chore. They can swap out chores with each other and earn points for chores they finish. Then, let them buy things from the “family store” at the end of the week. You could even make paper money with the family name on the face.
~Some great tips on staying in sync with your spouse: The 5 C’s are:
~The most successful tip to keep their kids eating healthy is allowing them to lend a hand in the kitchen, according to a parent poll. (37%). Rounding out the Top 10 hacks parents use to coax little ones:
2. Letting your child pick their own healthy snacks.
3. Letting your child pick a few meals for the family to have each week.
4. Only letting your child eat dessert if they’ve finished their vegetables.
5. Switching the packaging from an unhealthy snack to a healthy snack.
6. Bribing your child with a treat to get them to finish their dinner.
7. Letting your child put a little ketchup on things they don’t like, so they will eat them.
8. Using the “one more bite” rule over and over to get your child to finish their meal.
9. Buying snacks with characters your child likes on the packaging so they would be more likely to eat it.
10. Making faces with the food so your child will be entertained and be more likely to eat it.
Good News Network
~A daily dose of dark chocolate is part of the weight loss solution––seriously. offers some advice on losing weigh after 40. They say, first, cut back, but don’t cut out carbs altogether. Carbs are fuel, and whole food sources, like fresh fruit and whole grains are packed with vitamins, minerals, fiber, and antioxidants. Eat a lot more veggies! Don’t eat processed diet foods. And here’s the best part: Treat yourself to dark chocolate daily. Research shows that dark chocolate as a daily treat helps curb cravings for both sweet and salty foods. It can also help reduce stress.
~Milk alternatives are trendier than ever, but the ingredients and nutritional facts can get hazy. According to the Dr. Oz show, almond milk is one of the biggest culprits when it comes to added sugars and a high-calorie count, but certain brands of unsweetened almond milk can have as little as 25 calories, so pay attention to the labels. If you’re looking to add protein, soy milk is your best option. Watch out for regular cow’s milk. It doesn’t have added sugars, but still has about 13 grams of natural sugar in it because of the lactose. Your best bet? Coconut milk is the lowest in sugar and calories and it's also the best substitute to use in recipes.
Dr. Oz
~Here are three ways to help your marriage feel less stressed, according to Family Minute: First, help more with the kids. Second, be your spouse’s teammate in parenting. Third, create margin in your schedule. Don’t overbook. You feel less stressed already, don't you?
Family Minute
~Are you a positive or a negative leader? Jon Gordon, the author of “The Power of Positive Leadership,” says the 7 things that will hurt your team are: Energy Vampires, Complaining, Ego, Selfishness, Jealousy, Resentment and Pessimism. The 7 things that will help your team? Love, Encouragement, Vulnerability, Selflessness, Unity Communication and Optimism.
~My favorite recipe website – – posted a dish called "Take-Out Fake Out" Chinese. It’s low-carb because she substitutes the Lo Mein noodles with Zoodles – which is spiraled zucchini. So, it’s basically veggie stir fry!!
Sugar-free Mom
~A little fiery flavor can give your metabolism a quick boost. Hot sauce, cayenne, chilies all contain capsaicin, which scientists say can help you burn an extra 10 calories every meal. Hey, I'm all about that. Bring on the peppers!
A Health Blog
~If you're planning your child's birthday party and showering them with presents, here's a great plan to help teach them to learn the concept of "it's the thought that counts." We've all been there. They open the colorful, shiny wrapping paper to reveal a package of socks. Well, iMOM offers a 3-step plan to keeping joy in gift giving: J is for Just Smile. O is for Offer Thanks. Y is for Your gift came with love.
Tell your birthday boy or girl that a smile, a thank you, and even a hug will warm their heart as well as the gift giver.
~Do you cringe at the thought of running 10 steps much less 10 minutes? Well, research shows running for just 10 minutes, five days a week can ward off your risk for stroke, arthritis, diabetes, high cholesterol, high blood pressure and even some cancers.
Huffington Post
~Continuing previously cherished traditions in a newly blended family is hard. Thriving Family has some great tips to minimize the challenges:
-Keep the most important traditions. There will be adjustments, but many traditions can continue.
-Maintain some routines. A biological parent can spend time alone with his or her children to minimize the pain of loss.
-Appreciate and include the other family. This could be a beautiful way to show compassion and acceptance.
-Create a new tradition. As a new family, you can decide together what's most important to you.
Thriving Family
~A chaotic work space doesn't equal a chaotic mind. John Haltiwanger of Elite Daily says if you're a messy person, instead of being lazy, you could be a productive genius. Here are some reminders that it's OK to be disorganized:
1. You're not concerned with the status quo.
2. You find inspiration in mess.
3. You're brave and spontaneous.
Elite Daily
~Losing weight is hard, but getting a head start can help you stay on track. Women's Health offers seven early bird tips to shedding pounds:
-Giving yourself even an extra half-hour of snooze time can make a difference.
-Open the curtains as soon as you can. The blast of UV light has a mood-brightening, energizing effect.
-Eat a protein-carb combo for breakfast to feel full and promote steady blood-sugar levels.
-Drink a tall glass of water in the morning to flush out your system.
-Boost your metabolism with a mini workout. Even 10 minutes of stretching, yoga, or just running in place can get your blood flowing, and your metabolism cranked up.
-Fix a brown-bag lunch if you have time, but at least pack a few healthy, low-calorie snacks like apple slices and peanut butter or nuts.
-Try parking your car several blocks from your office.
Women's Health
Eating Well
~The new year is full of hope, but the stress keeps creeping back in, doesn't it? Bonnie Gray offer some great ways to destress:
-Take time to rest from work. (workaholics, that means you!)
-Learn something new to find joy inspired by God’s goodness. (I'm learning about the birds that visit my yard.)
-Be encouraged by community. (My friend Cari put her struggle out there on Facebook and got showered with encouragement and stress hacks. That's the good part of social media.)
-Finally, renew your spirit by resting with Jesus in nature. Even if it's chilly out there breathe in the fresh air, and enjoy God’s beauty. (I love grabbing a blanket and sitting around the fire pit in my rocking chair.) He is right there!
Bonnie Gray
~Your fridge is prime real estate when you have a house full of company! So, I found a great hack. Clear out your condiments and stow them in a cooler filled with ice packs! You can also treat it like a warming drawer. Line it with aluminum foil, add some folded towels and fill it with hot dishes as they come out of the oven.
~Who likes beets? Bleh. They literally smell like dirt. But guess what? Beetroot apparently helps support a healthy brain. So, I guess I’m learning to like beets now…
~The simplest step you can take to increase your energy level is to exercise. It sounds crazy that physical activity and burning energy would help combat fatigue and increase your energy level, but the more unfit you are, the more tired you will be. Fatigue causes inactivity which leads to more fatigue – a cycle that can only be broken with regular, moderate and consistent exercise. So, get off the couch! You'll be glad you did.
~What are your summer hacks to stay cool? One listener suggested spraying down the metal on the kids’ car seats with rubbing alcohol! Here's some other great ideas:
-Up Your Vitamin C Intake
Researchers found that vitamin C increases your tolerance for heat.
-Get Some Houseplants
Plants release moisture into the air, which helps regulate the relative humidity of a room and can make it feel more comfortable.
-Switch Scents
Sandalwood oil is used to lower body temperature, so you’ll smell nice and feel cool.
-Stick to the Shade
Find a nice tree to sit under. The shade from trees is actually cooler than shade from buildings.
-Eat Spicy Food
There's a reason spicy food is so popular in places with hot climates. It turns out eating something hot is a great way to stay cool. Capsaicin, in peppers makes you sweat, and the sweat on your skin subsequently cools you down.
-Avoid Ice Cream
The high fat content in ice cream makes it difficult to digest. That can actually raise your body temperature a little bit. So, if you want to cool down, try a fat-free frozen dessert like sorbet or an Italian ice.
-Cool Your Car Down Fast
You can quickly cool off your car by creating a cross-breeze. Roll down a window on the passenger side of the car. Then open and close the door opposite that window several times to quickly draw the hot air out.
-Eat Snacks
Try snacking throughout the day instead of large meals to keep your body from doing extra work and heating up in the process.
-Eat Water-Rich Food
Stay hydrated by sneaking in extra water whenever you can. Watermelon, cantaloupes, and cucumbers contain loads of water and are easy to digest. They're the perfect summer food.
-Sip Some Peppermint Tea
A glass of peppermint iced tea is a great way to make your insides feel cool and tingly, thanks to the menthol in the tea. It tricks your body into feeling cold. You can also spray mint tea or peppermint essential oil on your skin.
-Control Your Fans
If you don't have air conditioning, fans can provide some welcome relief. You can also buy a temperature controller for your fans that will turn them off or on depending on the temperature of the room.
-Pull Out Your Summer Whites
Light colors reflect light, which means you'll be cooler in white or pastels than you would be in dark clothes, which trap heat.
-Drink Coconut Water
It has cooling properties and is a great source of the electrolytes you lose through sweating.
-Try Wearable Ice or cooling rags
Wear them like a headband or around your neck and wrists to cool off pulse points.
-Soak Your Feet
Soaking your feet in cool water will give you instant relief from the heat and can also be helpful if your feet swell in hot weather.
~Ever wandered around the house looking for your phone or your keys and then realized they’re in your hand? Me. All the time! Well, you might need to stock up on B vitamins. Health experts say B vitamins help control levels of an amino acid associated with poor memory. I’m taking my Super B Vitamin supplement from now on. I tend to forget those, too.
~Two artists are using their talents to paint murals on boarded up windows in Sacramento amid protests there and the beautiful images are spreading hope and love. Find them at
~Blueberries have more anti-oxidants than any other fruit. They are considered brain food. My brain needs some blueberries right now! They also help prevent cancer, protect your heart and help you lose weight.
~There’s so much to be upset about these days, but before you scroll through social media, praise God because almost every problem and unfortunate circumstance is temporary. Here are some ways to lower your stress level:
Read the Psalms
They can pull you out of some deep mind chasms, Psalm 18, reminds us that “He delights in us.” That will always shake you out of a bad mood.
Make a Gratitude List
Then read it every day. Pray and think about others
Get into Nature
Take a walk with the Lord and renew your mind.
~If your work space is a chaotic, it doesn’t mean you’re lazy – experts say it could be a sign you’re a productive genius. What does your home or work office look right right now?
~Kids will finally get to color realistic skin tones into their princesses and superheroes. Crayola announced its new "Colors of the World," set saying "every child should be able to creatively and accurately color themselves into the world they see around them." The set includes a wide range of light to deep shades' for children to choose from, as well as undertones like "rose," "almond," and "golden." You can also still color Elsa purple if you want to!
~A study shows that humor therapy is as effective as meds in dealing with agitation in dementia and eliminates severe side effects of drugs. It’s true. Laughter is the best medicine! It’s good for an attitude adjustment, too, which many of us might need right now! [Tim Hawkins bit]
~What are you doing to shine the light of Christ? How about adopting a grandparent? To help keep their residents’ spirits high, a nursing home in the U.K. started the “Adopt a Grandparent” campaign. They're inviting English-speakers from across the world to become virtual volunteers to chat with their assigned “grandparents” through regular video calls. How sweet is that? That’s what humanity should look like!
~A great idea to keep your kids busy during summer/holiday break: let them help in the kitchen. Research shows that having at least a few meals together as a family every week makes a family stronger. Meals improve communication, awareness of what’s happening in each other’s lives, and memory making. But there are also benefits to creating those meals together:
- Recipes are object lessons.
- It fosters teamwork around the house.
- It puts patience in practice.
- It makes memories for a lifetime.
- It helps your kids’ future spouses and families.
- It’s quality time together.
Mark Merrill
~A heartwarming idea from one U.S. neighborhood: Good Morning America found a Little Free Library turned into a Little Free Pantry!
GMA/Twitter [video]
~Are your kids getting a little antsy at home? Well, how about letting them help in the kitchen making lunch or dinner, or this is the perfect time to teach them how to do chores!!! They could do the dishes, sweep, and take out the trash. Put the chores on pieces of paper and put them in a jar and let them pick a chore. They can swap out chores with each other and earn points for chores they finish. Then, let them buy things from the “family store” at the end of the week. You could even make paper money with the family name on the face.
~Some great tips on staying in sync with your spouse: The 5 C’s are:
- Center on “Us.” Marriage is the ultimate team sport, not a solo competition. Having “we” rather than “me” mindset is critical to staying in sync.
- Cultivate Trust. The danger of “drift” is reduced when you know that your spouse always has your best interests at heart.
- Carve out Time. Check with each other before making any other commitments that would take away from time with each other. Put your date nights on your calendars as very important appointments.
- Concentrate on Them. Don’t be the couple in a restaurant that is more focused on their smartphones than each other. Nothing helps us relate better than old-fashioned face-to-face conversation.
- Connect in Purpose. He says, “While the “we” focus I started with has been central for Susan and me, there has been something even more central to our marriage—a shared understanding of our purpose in life. To love each other, our children, and others well, and to put God first.
~The most successful tip to keep their kids eating healthy is allowing them to lend a hand in the kitchen, according to a parent poll. (37%). Rounding out the Top 10 hacks parents use to coax little ones:
2. Letting your child pick their own healthy snacks.
3. Letting your child pick a few meals for the family to have each week.
4. Only letting your child eat dessert if they’ve finished their vegetables.
5. Switching the packaging from an unhealthy snack to a healthy snack.
6. Bribing your child with a treat to get them to finish their dinner.
7. Letting your child put a little ketchup on things they don’t like, so they will eat them.
8. Using the “one more bite” rule over and over to get your child to finish their meal.
9. Buying snacks with characters your child likes on the packaging so they would be more likely to eat it.
10. Making faces with the food so your child will be entertained and be more likely to eat it.
Good News Network
~A daily dose of dark chocolate is part of the weight loss solution––seriously. offers some advice on losing weigh after 40. They say, first, cut back, but don’t cut out carbs altogether. Carbs are fuel, and whole food sources, like fresh fruit and whole grains are packed with vitamins, minerals, fiber, and antioxidants. Eat a lot more veggies! Don’t eat processed diet foods. And here’s the best part: Treat yourself to dark chocolate daily. Research shows that dark chocolate as a daily treat helps curb cravings for both sweet and salty foods. It can also help reduce stress.
~Milk alternatives are trendier than ever, but the ingredients and nutritional facts can get hazy. According to the Dr. Oz show, almond milk is one of the biggest culprits when it comes to added sugars and a high-calorie count, but certain brands of unsweetened almond milk can have as little as 25 calories, so pay attention to the labels. If you’re looking to add protein, soy milk is your best option. Watch out for regular cow’s milk. It doesn’t have added sugars, but still has about 13 grams of natural sugar in it because of the lactose. Your best bet? Coconut milk is the lowest in sugar and calories and it's also the best substitute to use in recipes.
Dr. Oz
~Here are three ways to help your marriage feel less stressed, according to Family Minute: First, help more with the kids. Second, be your spouse’s teammate in parenting. Third, create margin in your schedule. Don’t overbook. You feel less stressed already, don't you?
Family Minute
~Are you a positive or a negative leader? Jon Gordon, the author of “The Power of Positive Leadership,” says the 7 things that will hurt your team are: Energy Vampires, Complaining, Ego, Selfishness, Jealousy, Resentment and Pessimism. The 7 things that will help your team? Love, Encouragement, Vulnerability, Selflessness, Unity Communication and Optimism.
~My favorite recipe website – – posted a dish called "Take-Out Fake Out" Chinese. It’s low-carb because she substitutes the Lo Mein noodles with Zoodles – which is spiraled zucchini. So, it’s basically veggie stir fry!!
Sugar-free Mom
~A little fiery flavor can give your metabolism a quick boost. Hot sauce, cayenne, chilies all contain capsaicin, which scientists say can help you burn an extra 10 calories every meal. Hey, I'm all about that. Bring on the peppers!
A Health Blog
~If you're planning your child's birthday party and showering them with presents, here's a great plan to help teach them to learn the concept of "it's the thought that counts." We've all been there. They open the colorful, shiny wrapping paper to reveal a package of socks. Well, iMOM offers a 3-step plan to keeping joy in gift giving: J is for Just Smile. O is for Offer Thanks. Y is for Your gift came with love.
Tell your birthday boy or girl that a smile, a thank you, and even a hug will warm their heart as well as the gift giver.
~Do you cringe at the thought of running 10 steps much less 10 minutes? Well, research shows running for just 10 minutes, five days a week can ward off your risk for stroke, arthritis, diabetes, high cholesterol, high blood pressure and even some cancers.
Huffington Post
~Continuing previously cherished traditions in a newly blended family is hard. Thriving Family has some great tips to minimize the challenges:
-Keep the most important traditions. There will be adjustments, but many traditions can continue.
-Maintain some routines. A biological parent can spend time alone with his or her children to minimize the pain of loss.
-Appreciate and include the other family. This could be a beautiful way to show compassion and acceptance.
-Create a new tradition. As a new family, you can decide together what's most important to you.
Thriving Family
~A chaotic work space doesn't equal a chaotic mind. John Haltiwanger of Elite Daily says if you're a messy person, instead of being lazy, you could be a productive genius. Here are some reminders that it's OK to be disorganized:
1. You're not concerned with the status quo.
2. You find inspiration in mess.
3. You're brave and spontaneous.
Elite Daily
~Losing weight is hard, but getting a head start can help you stay on track. Women's Health offers seven early bird tips to shedding pounds:
-Giving yourself even an extra half-hour of snooze time can make a difference.
-Open the curtains as soon as you can. The blast of UV light has a mood-brightening, energizing effect.
-Eat a protein-carb combo for breakfast to feel full and promote steady blood-sugar levels.
-Drink a tall glass of water in the morning to flush out your system.
-Boost your metabolism with a mini workout. Even 10 minutes of stretching, yoga, or just running in place can get your blood flowing, and your metabolism cranked up.
-Fix a brown-bag lunch if you have time, but at least pack a few healthy, low-calorie snacks like apple slices and peanut butter or nuts.
-Try parking your car several blocks from your office.
Women's Health
~A good reminder from The Father Effect: "You don't have to tell your kids what you believe.They can see it by the decisions you make and the life that you live."
The Father Effect
~We all want to be liked, right? It can be awkward when meeting new people, but there are some ways to make a great first impression. Here are a few tips from author Nicholas Boothman on how to be instantly likeable in any social situation:
1. Be Open. Regarding your body language, aim your heart directly at the person you're meeting.
2. Make eye contact. You should be the one to initiate eye contact, and let your eyes reflect your positive attitude.
3. Beam. Being the first one to smile sends the message that you're sincere. It also helps people remember you.
4. Say "hello." Sound delighted to be making this person's acquaintance, and then, shake their hand firmly and repeat their name, while saying, "Nice to meet you!" What was your most awkward introduction?
Business Insider
~Do you feel like you're not spending quality time with your kids? Look around the room at everyone with their noses buried in their device screens. Admit it, you've even texted them from the other side of the house! Well, it's time for an intervention! Insitute a rule that family time does not include media! Turn off the TV, YouTube and social media and teach your kids to have real conversations instead of Snaps on SnapChat. Turn music on that you can all agree on. Have a family dinner and eat around the dinner table at the same time, and TALK! It's truly amazing how much that strengthens your bond as a family. Check out for some great conversation starters.
Family Minute
~Feel like you're drowning in the chaos surrounding you? The job, the kids, the house, and being a wife? It's overwhelming sometimes! So, here are some things you should do every day to tame the stress, or at least, make it more manageable:
-Make a to-do list. Don't let your list overwhelm you, though! List 5-7 top priorities to help you stay on task.
-Make your bed! It's amazing how this simple chore sets the tone for a productive day.
-For work-at-home moms and solopreneurs, get dressed and ready for work and set a regular schedule. No working in your jammies! Even if your job is taking care of your babies, take a few minutes to pamper yourself. If you're working outside the home, wear something that makes you feel great. Your outfit can transform your outlook on the day!
-Do one load of laundry start to finish. We all know that laundry is never "done." But, keeping it going, one load at a time, can shrink the laundry mountain.
-Shine your sink! You can't do that if there are dishes "soaking" in there. Put the dishes away that are "drying" in the dishwasher, so you have more motivation to rinse and add dishes throughout the day. Once your dishes are done, you'll find the inspiration to wipe, mop and declutter the rest of the kitchen.
Money-Saving Mom
~We usually focus on being thankful in November, but that should happen all year round! As a matter of fact, research shows that thankfulness is linked to better immune function, better ability to relax, and even decreased rates of disease. Here are a few ways you can remember to put gratefulness into your daily life:
-Make a list of specific things you're grateful for today.
-Write thank you letters to family and friends.
-Be purposeful about doing acts of kindness.
~Is there an anti-inflammatory diet? If you want to battle joint pain and stiffness without meds, experts say to try these foods: fatty fish, wild rice, whole grains, kale, dark leafy greens, almonds, soy, yogurt, low-fat dairy, peppers, tomatoes, beets, turmeric, ginger garlic, onions, olive oil, raspberries, and tart cherries.
~If you’re dieting, you know the struggle to get past the hunger pangs without giving in to the temptation of that box of donuts in the break room, right? Well, the experts say there are certain foods you can eat that make you feel full, so grabs these to get through the day without that gnawing hunger: apples, avocados, beans, chickpeas and lentils, soup, pickles, chili powder, dark chocolate, eggs, nuts, oatmeal, water, and whey protein.
~If you're feeling down, reach for the can of cashews. Nutrition experts say several handfuls are equal to a dose of a prescription anti-depressant medicine! That's because cashews have tryptophan, which turns into serotonin in the body, which promotes good mood and healthy sleep.
~If you want to be nice to your heart, here's some things to keep in mind as you decide what to have for lunch: A deep dish pizza has twice the amount of trans fat you should have in a day. A cheeseburger is equal to four sugar donuts. You can get a full day's worth of saturated fat in an order of BBQ ribs and a taco salad has as much saturated fat as 37 strips of bacon. Now, that doesn't mean you choose the bacon instead! So, here's a few heart healthy alternatives: Tuna helps prevent irregular heart rhythms, brown rice lowers cholesterol, spinach helps improve blood pressure, sweet potatoes reduce stress and in honor of Chocolate Day, try some dark chocolate, which lowers blood pressure... in moderation. So, don't go crazy!
~Hey, mamas! Here's a neat way to help you teach your little ones to pray. It's the five finger prayer guide from One Hope. They created the Bible App for Kids. With the guide, they use their fingers on one hand to remember who to pray for:
-Pray for your Family and Friends
-Pray for your Teachers
-Pray for your Leaders
-Pray for the Weak and Troubled
-Pray for Yourself
Download the guide at
One Hope Prayer Guide
~How about this for a delicious, low carb lunch? Make a Four-Decker Tomato Basil No-bread Sandwich! Stack layers of fresh, sliced tomatoes, mozzarella cheese, basil and asparagus and drizzle with balsamic vinaigrette. I'm so trying this!
~You can find so many cute patterns on pillow cases and here's a great project for a summer dress for your little girls! It's a pillowcase dress! You don't need a pattern. Just cut out the arm holes, add a ribbon drawstring at the neck and a trim on the bottom. Easy Peasy! That is, if you got better than a C on your apron project in Home Ec! Find the instructions and some adorable little models at
~Laundry is NEVER done! Maybe for about 30 seconds or so. But, here's the good news: There are ways to save money doing it.
-Cut the amount of laundry you use by half. You still get clean clothes and your detergent will last twice as long.
-It's more cost effective to wash a full load every time because you'll save on detergent, softener, scent beads, dryer sheets as well as water and electricity.
-Use the cold water setting for regular loads that don't need sanitizing or stain removal. That saves on electricity costs to heat the water.
-You really don't need fabric softener. A half-cup of baking soda in the rinse cycle does the trick, too.
-Try an at-home dry cleaning kit. These are guaranteed to give you almost equal results as your regular dry cleaner, at a fraction of the cost.
How to Save Money
~This is such a great reminder: Charity begins at home! Mommy blogger Crystal Paine writes, "Giving to others is a beautiful idea, but sacrifice and charity for strangers can’t make sense to a child who doesn't see sacrifice and charity at home." She says, " Thanks to my third graders, we discovered that a spirit of giving within your family is the one of the greatest gifts we can give to our children—and the world." How will you model that in your home today?
-Cut the amount of laundry you use by half. You still get clean clothes and your detergent will last twice as long.
-It's more cost effective to wash a full load every time because you'll save on detergent, softener, scent beads, dryer sheets as well as water and electricity.
-Use the cold water setting for regular loads that don't need sanitizing or stain removal. That saves on electricity costs to heat the water.
-You really don't need fabric softener. A half-cup of baking soda in the rinse cycle does the trick, too.
-Try an at-home dry cleaning kit. These are guaranteed to give you almost equal results as your regular dry cleaner, at a fraction of the cost.
How to Save Money
~This is such a great reminder: Charity begins at home! Mommy blogger Crystal Paine writes, "Giving to others is a beautiful idea, but sacrifice and charity for strangers can’t make sense to a child who doesn't see sacrifice and charity at home." She says, " Thanks to my third graders, we discovered that a spirit of giving within your family is the one of the greatest gifts we can give to our children—and the world." How will you model that in your home today?