~If you’re struggling with how to pray, remember that God invites you to pray simply, directly and truthfully. Just talk to him. Take a walk in the rain. Write prayers on the soles of your shoes. Sing the Blues. Rap. Write sonnets. Sit in silence in a forest. Go for a run until you sense God’s smile; throw yourself down a water-slide, yelling hallelujah if that’s honestly your thing. – Pete Grieg
~Maybe you’re praying for a good outcome from those test results or complete healing of a chronic condition. Well, I want you to know that Jesus is concerned with our physical healing, but He cares most about our spiritual healing. Bailey Gillespie is praying for physical healing, and her prayers have yet to be answered. But, she says, “…without a doubt Jesus has rescued, restored, and healed my heart. Time and again, He has consoled me with the comfort of His presence in my darkest nights. He has rescued me from myself through the kindness and intercession of others.” He can rescue you, too.
She Reads Truth
~Maybe you have a list of goals and resolutions this month. Is sharing your testimony one of them? The story of how you met Christ? Maybe that’s something you shy away from. Well, God calls us to step out of our bubbles and share His truth. Romans (1:16) says, “For I am not ashamed of the gospel, because it is the power of God that brings salvation to everyone who believes…”
~I drank my coffee on the porch this morning enjoying the light breeze and the sound of morning birds. I took a video and posted it to my social media, and then spent 20 minutes scrolling my feed. What a missed opportunity to just breathe in God’s creation without distraction! Think of all the things we miss by looking at our screens? The Bible warns us to be careful of how we live, and make the best use of our time. Cissie Graham Lynch says, “What if screen time is the device the enemy uses to distract us from the vibrant full life that Jesus gave us? We have a responsibility to use our time wisely and to set that example for our children.”
~Most people have a love/hate relationship with their body. We are too short, too tall, too fat, or too skinny. But the Bible says to bring your body to worship. Yes, even that body you don’t like. Your body is just as important to God as your soul. (Pastor Ron Jones) Romans 12:1 says, “Present your bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and acceptable to God, which is your spiritual worship.”
~God walks ‘slowly’ because he is love. Doug Bender says that line from Three Mile an Hour God caught his attention lately with the world moving at a snail’s pace. Of all the words that Paul could have chosen to begin his treatise on love he begins with “Love is patient.” Why start there? What makes patience and love so intrinsically tied together? In the midst of this wondering, he thought of his 3-year-old daughter Bella. They call her their flower. She speaks in whispers, dances to hidden music, and is so sensitive, she often cries even at the thought of disappointing her Dad. He says, “Parenting our flower has meant a giant lesson in patience. Frequently a disappointed look is more than is required to correct even the worst of her behaviors. I had to learn that parenting her requires a kind of love that is defined by a soft patience. As I look back on my own life, I have begun to realize that God has parented me in just the same way. How often have I made huge mistakes, only to feel just the quietest nudge from God in response? How often have I made a mess of my life, only to realize that God says nothing? He simply walks besides me till I burst into tears realizing I can’t clean things up without his help. And he quietly does exactly that. If I’ve learned nothing else in this change of pace that the pandemic has forced upon me, it’s that God works slowly. His love is a slow burn and a patient kindness. I’m learning that God walks slowly, and I need to adjust my own pace so as not to outrun him."
~Have you ever experienced a Sunday morning when worship felt lifeless, rote, even boring? “What has the power to inflame a worshiper’s heart again?” Luke 24 recounts one of the most beautiful moments in Jesus’s ministry — the road to Emmaus, where two despondent disciples are transformed by an encounter with Jesus. “They said to each other, ‘Did not our hearts burn within us while he talked to us on the road, while he opened to us the Scriptures?’” The key to unlocking vibrant worship that sets our hearts on fire is to put Jesus front and center. [Set A Fire-Michael W. Smith]
Desiring God
~Do you feel close to God or far away from him? Our experience of God’s nearness or distance is not a description of his actual proximity to us, but of our experience of intimacy with him. Scripture shows us that God is intimate with those who trust him. The more we trust God, the more intimately we come to know him. – Jon Bloom
~Those who plant in tears will harvest with shouts of joy. (Psalm 126:5) Hannah Brencher writes on the Propel Women blog that Psalm 126 paints a picture of someone standing in a wide-open field sowing seeds, and weeping all the while. God is saying that those of us who keep on fighting and drawing on his strength with tears in our eyes are going to uncover the joy songs. We are going to pluck these songs of elation from the ground like a fresh harvest. There is a deep well of joy we can draw from. At the most precise moment -- exactly in God’s timing -- the most beautiful of breakthroughs will come if we don’t give up and keep seeking Him.
Propel Women
~For the last several months, we have all been masked and hidden. We have stayed at home and protected ourselves and our loved ones from the virus. At the same time, family events milestones have been erased from our calendars. We have veiled our loneliness as we miss face-to-face conversations. Michele Morin writes on the inCourage blog that perhaps, in all our safe separation and invisibility, we have forgotten that there is One who sees all, and before Him, we are free to come with unveiled faces. She says God invites us to enter into His presence and to embark upon an unveiled life. Even while we all stay safe behind our masks, we can choose to live with unveiled hearts. 2 Corinthians 3:17 says, “Nothing between us and God, our faces shining with the brightness of his face.” [Rise Up (Lazarus)- CAIN]
~Sometimes we need to be reminded to just breathe. When we’re mixed up, thinking about ourselves, worrying about what the future holds, we forget that the God of the universe is in complete control. College student Kaitlyn remembers what it was like during finals. She says, “Just breathe and relax, knowing that nothing in this life is unplanned or unknown. God knows exactly what is happening and what will happen, and He has already been there.” Lord, let me just be in the present with you. Let me breathe you in. Thank you, Lord for breath and life and moments like this.
The Odyssey Online
~We all long to experience peace, yet finding it can be somewhat of a mystery. First 15 writes, Peace may be best described by what it’s not more than what it is.
Peace is the absence of fear.
Peace is the absence of anxiety.
Peace is the absence of worry.
Peace is the absence of “what-if.”
Peace is the absence of “if only.”
Peace is not something we produce, but instead is something we create space to receive from the Author of Peace.
The Bible says in order to experience God’s peace, do not worry. Pray about everything. Tell him what you need and thank him for all he has done. His peace goes beyond anything we can understand and it will guard your hearts and minds as you live in Christ Jesus.
First 15
~How should Christians respond when they falter? John Piper says, “Christians do not live only in defeat. But neither do we live only in perfect victory over sin. And in those times when we fail to triumph over sin, Romans 7:13–25 shows us the normal way a healthy Christian should respond.
We should say:
~ God's Got This
This is not the March any of us expected. Jobs, families, and daily rhythms are disrupted. Travel plans have been canceled, weddings and dreams and opportunities deferred. Bronwyn Lea of Propel Women writes, “Many of us have been holding our breath to see what will happen. Maybe you didn’t even realize you were holding your breath. But God invites us to exhale. Let that breath you’ve been holding go. We cannot keep striving or bracing ourselves against change. This season calls for surrendering some things and shifting others. Feeling grief, disorientation, and withdrawal from what life was like just a week ago is normal. The Psalms remind us that people who trust God can trust him with ALL their emotions and questions. Take a moment to physically breathe in and breathe out. Notice your exhale and the feeling of letting go. God is with you in every breath. We live in a world that loves to say “You’ve got this.” But we don’t got this. Not even close. But God has got this, and he’s got you in the palm of his hand. So take a moment, and breathe." Then choose joy! [joy. – for King & Country]
Propel Women
~Less fret, More faith
“Less fret. More faith. Max Lucado says, “Anxiety is a meteor shower of what-ifs. While the presence of anxiety is unavoidable, the prison of anxiety is OPTIONAL.” The Bible says be anxious for nothing, but in everything pray to the heavenly Father. Remember, God made you for more than a life of breath-stealing angst and worry. He has a new chapter for your life.” How about using this time to use your God-given talents to help your neighbors and pray for them?
~God is here for You
What happens when sudden changes pull the rug out from under you, and you’re disoriented, not sure which way is up or which way is down, and your wobbly legs are begging for stability? Samantha Nieves writes, "You reach out and grab tight onto this forever-unshakable truth: God is your refuge. God is your strength. God is your help. In times of trouble, he is always there. (Psalm 46:1-3) Breathe deep. Loosen all those anxiously tight muscles. Release the tension in your chest. Scripture says that mountains could fall into the oceans and we could still settle our hearts in God."
Samantha Nieves-Revive Our Hearts
~You are God’s Masterpiece
Love is a central theme in the Bible and the foundation of its greatest commandments. Dr. Stephanie Foster writes in her devotion “You are God’s Masterpiece” that “As we believe, receive, and experience God’s love, we return His love and grow in our ability to love ourselves and others.” If you think it’s a challenge to love yourself, know you’re not alone. To help you overcome this challenge, meditate on these insights:
~Live for Heaven
Jesus valued relationship with God above all else. Craig Dennison of First15 says, “Every breath he breathed was done to the glory of God,” so for us, “To live for heaven is to throw off every weight that would hinder us from pursuing the fullness of relationship with Jesus. To live for heaven is to declare with our thoughts, actions, and emotions that Jesus truly is Lord of lords and King of kings and that he is worthy of our lives. Live for heaven today.”
~A True Love Story
If you’re missing the love of your life, here’s some encouragement from Sheree Williams’ story of true love:
“You’ve reached Keith Williams. I can’t answer the phone right now, but leave a message and I’ll call you back. And if this is Sheree, I love you.” When my husband was still here, that’s what he recorded on his phone for missed calls. What faithful love. So often I miss him, miss being loved that intentionally, and miss being a wife. I serve a mighty God who LOVES me. Still, sometimes I long for a relationship again. But, Jesus reminds me that He so loved the world that He died for them. If we are willing, He meets all our needs and He satisfies our heart’s desires with His love. [Like You Love Me-Tauren Wells]
~A Prayer for when God Wrecks Your Dreams
Has God wrecked or delayed your dreams? Mandy Smith writes on about her unfulfilled dreams of being a wife and mother. She says, “If you look hard enough, you may see another blessing in disguise. I understand the heart numbing pain of a dream that has not come into fruition. It’s hard to consider a “wait” or a “no” to be loving, isn’t it? We can often feel neglected, lonely, heartbroken, tired, or hopeless. Many times, when we receive a “dream come true” we talk about the faithfulness of God, and rightly so. But, being honest, I always come back to this next thought: If my dream does not come true, if I never receive what I’ve knocked on heaven’s door for year after year, does that mean God is not faithful?” I hope you know what the answer is, but just in case, let me remind you and myself of this single truth: God is faithful to us at all times whether our dreams come true, or not.
When I look back at things I’ve gone through I see a bigger picture of His faithfulness and His guiding hand in my life. He is faithful to complete His work in us but not to complete our dream to-do list. Staying rooted in the Lord is the most assured way to live a full, joyful, and “dream come true” kind of life. Remember, His will and dreams for us are more than we can even imagine…and that’s more than OK.”
~Unstoppable God
Love is a strange thing. It is a thing we barely understand, barely comprehend. It’s something we rarely glimpse the true nature of. Sanctus Real writes in their Bible App devotion "Unstoppable God," "We spend our entire lives in a search to discover real love on this earth. Sadly, we begin believing true love doesn’t exist at all. True love does exist. It exists as truly as the sun in the sky, or the stars at night. It is more real than the air you are breathing now. May I introduce you to the real thing? Love is the most unselfish thing in the universe. It sacrifices itself for those who are not worthy. It chooses to lay down its life for friends and enemies alike. It does not see color, status, or past failures. It will not fail you. His name is Jesus and He is love. If you feel unloved today, if you feel left out, valueless, broken, or just simply alone, love is with you right now. Open up your heart to true love and taste and see that He is good!"
YouVersion Bible App
~Faith Over Fear
Life isn’t about where you’ve been, it’s about where you’re going..David Villa writes in his devotional “Faith Over Fear,”
"God wants your attention to be focused on the present. What He has for you is not behind you, but in front of you. Looking back is the same thing as dropping anchor. It is choosing to sit still, to be stagnant. Faith is the light that shines in through the tunnel. It is the compass that points north when you get off course. Know that whatever is going on in your life has already been planned out. God has you covered."
YouVersion Bible App
~God is in Control
The Bible says God governs the universe, not only inanimate creation, but also the actions of all creatures, both men and animals. He is called the Ruler of all things (1 Chronicles 29:12), the blessed and only Ruler.
(1 Timothy 6:15), the One apart from whose will the sparrow cannot fall to the ground (Matthew 10:29). Nothing happens without God either permitting it or directing it to happen.
Decision Magazine
~Maybe you’re praying for a good outcome from those test results or complete healing of a chronic condition. Well, I want you to know that Jesus is concerned with our physical healing, but He cares most about our spiritual healing. Bailey Gillespie is praying for physical healing, and her prayers have yet to be answered. But, she says, “…without a doubt Jesus has rescued, restored, and healed my heart. Time and again, He has consoled me with the comfort of His presence in my darkest nights. He has rescued me from myself through the kindness and intercession of others.” He can rescue you, too.
She Reads Truth
~Maybe you have a list of goals and resolutions this month. Is sharing your testimony one of them? The story of how you met Christ? Maybe that’s something you shy away from. Well, God calls us to step out of our bubbles and share His truth. Romans (1:16) says, “For I am not ashamed of the gospel, because it is the power of God that brings salvation to everyone who believes…”
~I drank my coffee on the porch this morning enjoying the light breeze and the sound of morning birds. I took a video and posted it to my social media, and then spent 20 minutes scrolling my feed. What a missed opportunity to just breathe in God’s creation without distraction! Think of all the things we miss by looking at our screens? The Bible warns us to be careful of how we live, and make the best use of our time. Cissie Graham Lynch says, “What if screen time is the device the enemy uses to distract us from the vibrant full life that Jesus gave us? We have a responsibility to use our time wisely and to set that example for our children.”
~Most people have a love/hate relationship with their body. We are too short, too tall, too fat, or too skinny. But the Bible says to bring your body to worship. Yes, even that body you don’t like. Your body is just as important to God as your soul. (Pastor Ron Jones) Romans 12:1 says, “Present your bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and acceptable to God, which is your spiritual worship.”
~God walks ‘slowly’ because he is love. Doug Bender says that line from Three Mile an Hour God caught his attention lately with the world moving at a snail’s pace. Of all the words that Paul could have chosen to begin his treatise on love he begins with “Love is patient.” Why start there? What makes patience and love so intrinsically tied together? In the midst of this wondering, he thought of his 3-year-old daughter Bella. They call her their flower. She speaks in whispers, dances to hidden music, and is so sensitive, she often cries even at the thought of disappointing her Dad. He says, “Parenting our flower has meant a giant lesson in patience. Frequently a disappointed look is more than is required to correct even the worst of her behaviors. I had to learn that parenting her requires a kind of love that is defined by a soft patience. As I look back on my own life, I have begun to realize that God has parented me in just the same way. How often have I made huge mistakes, only to feel just the quietest nudge from God in response? How often have I made a mess of my life, only to realize that God says nothing? He simply walks besides me till I burst into tears realizing I can’t clean things up without his help. And he quietly does exactly that. If I’ve learned nothing else in this change of pace that the pandemic has forced upon me, it’s that God works slowly. His love is a slow burn and a patient kindness. I’m learning that God walks slowly, and I need to adjust my own pace so as not to outrun him."
~Have you ever experienced a Sunday morning when worship felt lifeless, rote, even boring? “What has the power to inflame a worshiper’s heart again?” Luke 24 recounts one of the most beautiful moments in Jesus’s ministry — the road to Emmaus, where two despondent disciples are transformed by an encounter with Jesus. “They said to each other, ‘Did not our hearts burn within us while he talked to us on the road, while he opened to us the Scriptures?’” The key to unlocking vibrant worship that sets our hearts on fire is to put Jesus front and center. [Set A Fire-Michael W. Smith]
Desiring God
~Do you feel close to God or far away from him? Our experience of God’s nearness or distance is not a description of his actual proximity to us, but of our experience of intimacy with him. Scripture shows us that God is intimate with those who trust him. The more we trust God, the more intimately we come to know him. – Jon Bloom
~Those who plant in tears will harvest with shouts of joy. (Psalm 126:5) Hannah Brencher writes on the Propel Women blog that Psalm 126 paints a picture of someone standing in a wide-open field sowing seeds, and weeping all the while. God is saying that those of us who keep on fighting and drawing on his strength with tears in our eyes are going to uncover the joy songs. We are going to pluck these songs of elation from the ground like a fresh harvest. There is a deep well of joy we can draw from. At the most precise moment -- exactly in God’s timing -- the most beautiful of breakthroughs will come if we don’t give up and keep seeking Him.
Propel Women
~For the last several months, we have all been masked and hidden. We have stayed at home and protected ourselves and our loved ones from the virus. At the same time, family events milestones have been erased from our calendars. We have veiled our loneliness as we miss face-to-face conversations. Michele Morin writes on the inCourage blog that perhaps, in all our safe separation and invisibility, we have forgotten that there is One who sees all, and before Him, we are free to come with unveiled faces. She says God invites us to enter into His presence and to embark upon an unveiled life. Even while we all stay safe behind our masks, we can choose to live with unveiled hearts. 2 Corinthians 3:17 says, “Nothing between us and God, our faces shining with the brightness of his face.” [Rise Up (Lazarus)- CAIN]
~Sometimes we need to be reminded to just breathe. When we’re mixed up, thinking about ourselves, worrying about what the future holds, we forget that the God of the universe is in complete control. College student Kaitlyn remembers what it was like during finals. She says, “Just breathe and relax, knowing that nothing in this life is unplanned or unknown. God knows exactly what is happening and what will happen, and He has already been there.” Lord, let me just be in the present with you. Let me breathe you in. Thank you, Lord for breath and life and moments like this.
The Odyssey Online
~We all long to experience peace, yet finding it can be somewhat of a mystery. First 15 writes, Peace may be best described by what it’s not more than what it is.
Peace is the absence of fear.
Peace is the absence of anxiety.
Peace is the absence of worry.
Peace is the absence of “what-if.”
Peace is the absence of “if only.”
Peace is not something we produce, but instead is something we create space to receive from the Author of Peace.
The Bible says in order to experience God’s peace, do not worry. Pray about everything. Tell him what you need and thank him for all he has done. His peace goes beyond anything we can understand and it will guard your hearts and minds as you live in Christ Jesus.
First 15
~How should Christians respond when they falter? John Piper says, “Christians do not live only in defeat. But neither do we live only in perfect victory over sin. And in those times when we fail to triumph over sin, Romans 7:13–25 shows us the normal way a healthy Christian should respond.
We should say:
- I love the law of God. (verse 22)
- I hate what I just did. (verse 15)
- Wretched man that I am! Who will set me free from the body of this death? (verse 24)
- Thanks be to God! The victory will come through Jesus Christ my Lord. (verse 25)
~ God's Got This
This is not the March any of us expected. Jobs, families, and daily rhythms are disrupted. Travel plans have been canceled, weddings and dreams and opportunities deferred. Bronwyn Lea of Propel Women writes, “Many of us have been holding our breath to see what will happen. Maybe you didn’t even realize you were holding your breath. But God invites us to exhale. Let that breath you’ve been holding go. We cannot keep striving or bracing ourselves against change. This season calls for surrendering some things and shifting others. Feeling grief, disorientation, and withdrawal from what life was like just a week ago is normal. The Psalms remind us that people who trust God can trust him with ALL their emotions and questions. Take a moment to physically breathe in and breathe out. Notice your exhale and the feeling of letting go. God is with you in every breath. We live in a world that loves to say “You’ve got this.” But we don’t got this. Not even close. But God has got this, and he’s got you in the palm of his hand. So take a moment, and breathe." Then choose joy! [joy. – for King & Country]
Propel Women
~Less fret, More faith
“Less fret. More faith. Max Lucado says, “Anxiety is a meteor shower of what-ifs. While the presence of anxiety is unavoidable, the prison of anxiety is OPTIONAL.” The Bible says be anxious for nothing, but in everything pray to the heavenly Father. Remember, God made you for more than a life of breath-stealing angst and worry. He has a new chapter for your life.” How about using this time to use your God-given talents to help your neighbors and pray for them?
~God is here for You
What happens when sudden changes pull the rug out from under you, and you’re disoriented, not sure which way is up or which way is down, and your wobbly legs are begging for stability? Samantha Nieves writes, "You reach out and grab tight onto this forever-unshakable truth: God is your refuge. God is your strength. God is your help. In times of trouble, he is always there. (Psalm 46:1-3) Breathe deep. Loosen all those anxiously tight muscles. Release the tension in your chest. Scripture says that mountains could fall into the oceans and we could still settle our hearts in God."
Samantha Nieves-Revive Our Hearts
~You are God’s Masterpiece
Love is a central theme in the Bible and the foundation of its greatest commandments. Dr. Stephanie Foster writes in her devotion “You are God’s Masterpiece” that “As we believe, receive, and experience God’s love, we return His love and grow in our ability to love ourselves and others.” If you think it’s a challenge to love yourself, know you’re not alone. To help you overcome this challenge, meditate on these insights:
- Humanity is God’s good idea (Genesis 1:26-31)
- God personally formed man and woman (Genesis 2:7, 18, 21-23 and Isaiah 64:8)
- God knows and loves each of us individually (Psalm 139:1-18; Jeremiah 31:3; Isaiah 46:3-4; and Luke 12:6-7)
~Live for Heaven
Jesus valued relationship with God above all else. Craig Dennison of First15 says, “Every breath he breathed was done to the glory of God,” so for us, “To live for heaven is to throw off every weight that would hinder us from pursuing the fullness of relationship with Jesus. To live for heaven is to declare with our thoughts, actions, and emotions that Jesus truly is Lord of lords and King of kings and that he is worthy of our lives. Live for heaven today.”
~A True Love Story
If you’re missing the love of your life, here’s some encouragement from Sheree Williams’ story of true love:
“You’ve reached Keith Williams. I can’t answer the phone right now, but leave a message and I’ll call you back. And if this is Sheree, I love you.” When my husband was still here, that’s what he recorded on his phone for missed calls. What faithful love. So often I miss him, miss being loved that intentionally, and miss being a wife. I serve a mighty God who LOVES me. Still, sometimes I long for a relationship again. But, Jesus reminds me that He so loved the world that He died for them. If we are willing, He meets all our needs and He satisfies our heart’s desires with His love. [Like You Love Me-Tauren Wells]
~A Prayer for when God Wrecks Your Dreams
Has God wrecked or delayed your dreams? Mandy Smith writes on about her unfulfilled dreams of being a wife and mother. She says, “If you look hard enough, you may see another blessing in disguise. I understand the heart numbing pain of a dream that has not come into fruition. It’s hard to consider a “wait” or a “no” to be loving, isn’t it? We can often feel neglected, lonely, heartbroken, tired, or hopeless. Many times, when we receive a “dream come true” we talk about the faithfulness of God, and rightly so. But, being honest, I always come back to this next thought: If my dream does not come true, if I never receive what I’ve knocked on heaven’s door for year after year, does that mean God is not faithful?” I hope you know what the answer is, but just in case, let me remind you and myself of this single truth: God is faithful to us at all times whether our dreams come true, or not.
When I look back at things I’ve gone through I see a bigger picture of His faithfulness and His guiding hand in my life. He is faithful to complete His work in us but not to complete our dream to-do list. Staying rooted in the Lord is the most assured way to live a full, joyful, and “dream come true” kind of life. Remember, His will and dreams for us are more than we can even imagine…and that’s more than OK.”
~Unstoppable God
Love is a strange thing. It is a thing we barely understand, barely comprehend. It’s something we rarely glimpse the true nature of. Sanctus Real writes in their Bible App devotion "Unstoppable God," "We spend our entire lives in a search to discover real love on this earth. Sadly, we begin believing true love doesn’t exist at all. True love does exist. It exists as truly as the sun in the sky, or the stars at night. It is more real than the air you are breathing now. May I introduce you to the real thing? Love is the most unselfish thing in the universe. It sacrifices itself for those who are not worthy. It chooses to lay down its life for friends and enemies alike. It does not see color, status, or past failures. It will not fail you. His name is Jesus and He is love. If you feel unloved today, if you feel left out, valueless, broken, or just simply alone, love is with you right now. Open up your heart to true love and taste and see that He is good!"
YouVersion Bible App
~Faith Over Fear
Life isn’t about where you’ve been, it’s about where you’re going..David Villa writes in his devotional “Faith Over Fear,”
"God wants your attention to be focused on the present. What He has for you is not behind you, but in front of you. Looking back is the same thing as dropping anchor. It is choosing to sit still, to be stagnant. Faith is the light that shines in through the tunnel. It is the compass that points north when you get off course. Know that whatever is going on in your life has already been planned out. God has you covered."
YouVersion Bible App
~God is in Control
The Bible says God governs the universe, not only inanimate creation, but also the actions of all creatures, both men and animals. He is called the Ruler of all things (1 Chronicles 29:12), the blessed and only Ruler.
(1 Timothy 6:15), the One apart from whose will the sparrow cannot fall to the ground (Matthew 10:29). Nothing happens without God either permitting it or directing it to happen.
Decision Magazine